Look what I ran over last night on YouTube... :D
Congrats Iemi! :*
Insane - Pretty Little Girl
Posted by
10/27/2008 03:26:00 PM
Zzig-Zzagging thru Kent (part III) - " >:-( "
As I've been expecting ever since i left home, things are starting to heat up around here... Around here meaning at my new "home". What do i mean by "heat up"? Well, you'll find out in just a few seconds.
As I've stated in previous posts, i live in a house with 3 other people. 1- Bogdan, a good friend and previous high school colleague; 2- Roxana, a girl (d'uh) and Razvan, a guy who moved into our place after Stefan (Roxana's boyfriend) decided to move out cuz' he didn't feel safe in that house. (?Don't ask?) Ever since we all moved in, we set up certain rules in order to clarify each and every one's duties and rights, mainly to simplify our lives. However, the duties seem to be slowly diminishing and the rights miraculously multiplying. Rules such as "Thou all shalt take part in the house cleaning process" or "Thou shalt clean up after thy party" or even "Thou shalt not covet thy house-mate's food" no longer exist and frankly speaking I'm quite pissed off because of that. I'm not going to give out any names or make accusations, however, i believe that:
-calling friends over ~4 nights a week, smoking like a furnace and turning the house into a fucking smoke-cloud is wrong! (yes, although i have smoked for a while, i HATE having my clothes and my room reek like that)
-not giving a sh!t about helping with the cleaning of the house after you come over (by that i mean cleaning the bottles, pizza boxes, cans, cigarette butts, ash, spilled drinks, food parts etc.) and expecting others to do that for you shows what kind of education you (don't) have.
-eating food or drinking stuff that is not yours and for which u did not pay and which is placed in a cupboard that has a big sign saying "ia laba ca nu-i al tau" is also pretty fu*ked up!
And the list goes on...
On the other hand, I admit I am not perfect and I do happen to do wrong stuff too, but at least I respect those around me, their work and their belongings, and thus I expect to be treated the same. If i don't get that respect, then don't expect to ever have a peaceful "relationship" with me.
Posted by
10/20/2008 01:37:00 PM
Zzig-Zzagging thru Kent (part II) - "The Party"
As promissed, i`m back with an update on what`s new here in Canterbury. And what else to talk about than a party? :P We(Bogo, Me and Razvan) decided last week to throw an all-romanian party this Saturday night at our place. Nothing formal was prepared and the invitations were stated as follows: "Hey! Wanna come to our party? You can bring all the romanian students you know with you! And bring some drinks too!", and so we ended up having more than 30 people at our place with the fridge and freezer FULL of 60+ beers, 3L of wine, 2L of bailey`s, 4L of vodka, and other weird-looking, freaky-tasting alcoholic beverages. What was the result? Well, let`s just say that in the morning, the house looked like a bomb had blown up inside. Beer cans EVERYWHERE (even in the bath tub), glasses in the yard, vodka bottles under the couches, bailey`s stains on the walls and best of all, a humongous barf on the carpet in MY room! Ya, even after putting up a sign on the door that said DO NOT ENTER, a bloody drunk cu*t goes into my room for a snooze and next thing you know she turns into the Old Faithful gheizer. Thankfully, she was at least sober anough to clean all the mess up (with my towel:(( ) Oh well, at least now we know not to do this again anytime soon (if not ever)!
Posted by
10/13/2008 01:51:00 PM
Monkey Doggy-Styling a Goat + Another Sick Vid
These are just sick... But funny :))
Posted by
10/06/2008 06:52:00 PM
Labels: Funny
Zzig-Zzagging thru Kent (part I) - "Intro"
Now that i`ve been here for quite a while (almost 3 weeks) i think i should be able to give you all a pretty good impression of what life is like here at Kent Uni...
First of all, the weather is "bloody" horrible! I can`t stand it! I wake up, i look outside, it`s sunny and warm, i get dressed, i open the door to get out and it`s raining... I go back in to get a jacket, go out, and the sun is back! That`s why 99.9% of all foreign students who come here suffer from the so-called "fresher`s flu". It`s actually a combination of all the germs in the world, added up into one huge and extremely fast travelling, mucus releasing, cough causing, headache producing nightmare.
One more thing that i don`t like here is the public transport system... It`s said to be efficient and always on time, but it`s actually a nightmare if you ever need to get somewhere fast (especially to school)... Not only does it cost A LOT (i paid more for a 1-year ticket than i`ve ever paid in Romania on RATB, CFR and Taxi alltogether since i was born- £120), but it`s also never on time! I already lost 2 lectures and a theatER casting because of that! Oh well, hopefully i`ll get a scooter soon... :-<
Obviously, i`m not going to talk about school stuff cause thats boring, but i will talk about the things you can do on campus to have fun... There is an infinite number of clubs and societies you can join - from skydiving and kung-fu to sado-maso and gay clubs, you can do virtually any activity you can think of just by joining these clubs. What is even ironic is that the neighboring Christ Church University has a pagan club... :)) Furthermore, there is a huge club on campus where you can go dance, get drunk and barf (however you have to pay a lot to get to that state...)
I forgot to mention that food is VERY expensive! It`s quite hard to eat well (and healthy) with less than 8 pounds per day...
*looks at watch and fraks out*
Shit! I have to go to my next lecture! I`ll come back soon with a post about parties, social events and other interesting stuff about Kent Uni and about life in Canterbury in general.
Posted by
10/06/2008 01:51:00 PM
Labels: Kent